Is It Legal to Buy Papers? Things You Should Know About Paying for Essay Writing

When it comes to writing your essay, you may find yourself pressed for time, or maybe even clueless as to where to begin. You may find yourself wondering if it is legal to pay for essay papers. There are a multitude of websites where you can pay for essays online, but you must be very careful and exercise your best judgement when considering any type of purchase.

The actual legality is somewhat of a gray area, but most educational institutions consider a custom essay not written by the student as a violation of policy and expulsion is usually the recommended punishment. Although, it is frequently argued that anything you purchase rightfully belongs to you to use as you see fit, making it perfectly legal. However, this is not usually the way most schools view the situation.

Another issue students run into when they choose to pay for essay online is plagiarism. There have been instances when individuals have purchased papers online that turned out to be other’s work that was taken without their knowledge. Sadly, there are unethical paper mills out there that you will want to steer clear of at all costs. Plagiarism is a punishable crime.

There are a few resources that you can pay for when working on your paper that won’t bend the rules:

  • Hire a writing service to edit or proofread your work and give suggestions, rather than doing all the writing for you. Many legitimate companies provide these services. As with any service on the internet, you will want to check the company’s reputation and feedback.
  • Hire a freelance writer. Freelancers are perfect for suggesting topic ideas, helping with writer’s block, composition, proofreading and editing. There are several platforms online where you can search for and find a freelance writer that fits your needs.
  • Hire a private tutor. You can find a tutor that focuses specifically on writing to help you get through this daunting task. Most colleges have tutors available for free of charge or for a minimal fee.

While there will always be a debate if paying for an essay is legally and morally wrong, it is ultimately up to you to decide what is best for your situation. There are both pros and cons that need serious consideration before making a purchase.

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